Welcome at ASDwebdesigns




By Meetjes Plekje

Click HERE for the original tutorial





Alien Skin Eye Candy 5 / Impact / Extrude / Glass

AAA Multifilter


Copy the selection file to the Selection folder of PSP

Open the Brush in PSP and import as custom brush ( File - Import - Custom Brush)

Double click on the font (ttf) to open. Minimize to tray, you can use it now in PSP.

Note: If you are using PSP13 in combination with Windows 7 you need to copy the font to the Font folder of windows.


Foregroundcolor: 7d6c62

Backgroundcolor: f3f0ea

Other used colors:  #605752, #1a1614

This translation is written with PSP13 but can also be made with earlier PSP versions.


Open a new transparent image of 700 x 500 px

Set your foregroundcolor to gradient - Style: Radial

Fill your image with the gradient

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 40



Layers - New Raster Layer

Selections - Select all

Open Tube "Alies 379-vrouwen-28122010"  Copy and paste into the selection

Selections - Select None

Effects - Image Effects - Seamless Tiling - Default settings

Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur - 55

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize - 15 - 13

Layers - Merge - Merge Visible



Layers - Duplicate

Set your foregroundcolor back to color and change to #605752

Selections - Load/Save Selection - Load selection from disc - Msb_Indira_01

Layers - New Raster Layer

Fill with the foregroundcolor

Selections - Modify - Contract - 10px

Selections - Modify - Select Selection Border - Outside checked - Anti Alias checked - Border width 10 

Selections - Invert

Hit the delete key of your keyboard

Selections - Invert

Effects - Plugins -   Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Extrude -  Settings Tab: Small offset, 30 Degrees

Basic Tab:

Selections - Select None

Magic Wand Tool - Mode: Shift/Add - Tolerance 0 - Click in the four squares:

Selections - Modify - Expand - 4 px

Layers - New Raster Layer

Open Graphic "2"  Copy and paste into the selection

Selections - Select None

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize - 15 - 13

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Effects - Plugins -   Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Bevel - Settings Tab: Concave Edge

Lightning Tab:

Basic Tab:



Effects - Plugins -   Eye Candy 5 - Impact - Glass - Settings Tab: Clear

Basic Tab:


Adjust - Brightness and Contrast - Local Tone Mapping - 16

Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 5 - H 5 - O 30 - B 15 - #1a1614

Layers - Merge - Merge Down



Layers - New Raster Layer

Selection Tool - Rectangle - Custom Selection: 

Open Tube "sb_Pattern10710"  Copy and paste into the selection

Selections - Select None

Adjust - Hue and Saturation - Colorize - 15 - 13

Layers - Arrange - Move Down

Layers - Duplicate

Image - Flip



Layers - New Raster Layer

Selection Tool - Rectangle - Custom Selection:

Fill with the foregroundcolor

Selections - Select None

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds




Selection Tool - Rectangle - Custom Selection:

Selections - Promote selection to layer

Selections - Select None

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 5 - H 5 - O 30 - B 15 - #1a1614
Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V Minus 5 - Minus H 5 - O 30 - B 15 - #1a1614

Image - Free Rotate - Free - 45° - Right

Image - Resize - 80 % - Resize all layers not checked

Move to the top, like this:

Layers - Duplicate - Repeat 3 times

Move them in line, like this

Layer Palette - Click on the second layer from the top

Layers - Merge - Merge Down

Repeat 3 times until they are all on one layer



Layers - New Raster Layer

Paint brush tool - Msb_Brush_blokje_02 - Size 32 - Opacity 60

Click a couple of times with your background color in the  the  5 squares ( do not worry of they are showing very light, we will fix it later) , like this:

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 1 - H 1 - O 100 - B 1 - #1a1614



Layer Palette - Click on the layer with the squares and set the Layer Opacity of this layer to 70

Layers - Duplicate

Move like this:

Effects - Plugins - AAA Filters - AAA Multi filters

Layer Palette - set the Layer Opacity of this layer to 70



Layers - New Raster Layer

Paint brush tool Msb_Brush_blokje_02  - Same settings

Add one to every square but now with the foregroundcolor

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 1 - H 1 - O 100 - B 1 - #1a1614



Layers - New Raster Layer

Selection Tool - Rectangle - Custom Selection:

Fill with the backgroundcolor

Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds

Selections - Select None

Effects - 3D Effects - Inner Bevel

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 1 - H 1 - O 100 - B 1 - #1a1614

Move down like this:

Layers - Duplicate

Image  - Flip

Layers - Merge - Merge Down



Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Set your foregroundcolor to gradient Fading Background (Corel_06_025) - Style: Linear - Angle 0  - Repeats 1 - Invert  checked

Layers - New Raster Layer

Selection Tool - Rectangle - Custom Selection:

Set your Floodfill tool to these settings:

Fill the selection with the gradient

Selections - Select None

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

Effects - Distortion Effects - Twirl - 150°

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wave

Effects - Distortion Effects - Wind - From right - 100

Move like this:



Layers - Duplicate

Image - Mirror

Image - Resize - 80% - Resize all layers not checked

Move to the left top like this:


Eraser Tool

Erase the hard line here:

Layers - Duplicate 

Image - Flip

Move like this:


Deformation tool ( Hit the D from your keyboard)

Pull to the right

Add then deformation by clicking on any other tool

Layer Palette - Set the Blend Mode of this layer and the third layer form the top to "Dodge"

Move the layers a little around until it looks like this:

Make the bottom layer invisible

Click on one of the other layers - Layers - Merge - Merge Visible

Make the bottom layer visible again.



Make sure you are on the top layer

Open Tube "Alies 379-vrouwen28122010" - Copy and paste as new layer on your image.

Image - Resize - 70% - Resize all layers not checked

Adjust - Sharpness - Unsharpen Mask

Move like this:

Layers - Duplicate

Layer Palette - Click on the original Tube layer

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V Minus 10 - H 55 - O 33 - B 5 - f3f0ea - Shadow on new layer checked

Layer Palette - Set the Blend Mode of this Shadow layer to Overlay and the Layer Opacity to 43
Layer Palette - Click on the top layer

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 5 - H 5 - O 33- B 15 - #1a1614 - Uncheck Shadow on new layer



Texttool - Font  International Palms  - Size 67 pixels - Stroke width 1 - Create as Vector checked

Type your text

Pull the nodes a little up

Move like this:

Layers - Convert to raster Layer

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V 1 - H 1 - O 80- B 1 - #1a1614

Layers - Duplicate

Layer Palette - Click on the original text layer

Effects  3D Effects - Dropshadow - V Minus 10 - H 35 - O 33- B 5 - #f3f0ea

Layers - Merge - Merge all



Selections - Select all

Effects  3D Effects - Cutout - V 5 -  H 5 -  O 40 - B 10 - #1a1614 -- Fill interior with color not checked

Layers - New Raster Layer

Effects  3D Effects - Cutout - V Minus 5 -  H Minus 5 -  O 40 - B 10 - #1a1614 -- Fill interior with color not checked

Selections - Select None



Image - Add Borders - Symmetric -  1 px -#605752

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric -  1 px - #f3f0ea

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric -  1 px - #605752

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric - 50 px - #f3f0ea

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric -  1 px - #605752

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric -  ** px - #f3f0ea

Image - Add Borders - Symmetric - 1 px - #605752



Magic Wand Tool - Mode: Shift/Add - Tolerance  - Inside  - Click in the 50 px border

Effects  3D Effects - Cutout - V Minus 4 - H Minus 4  -  O 35 - B 10 - #1a1614 -- Fill interior with color not checked

Layers - New Raster Layer

Effects  3D Effects - Cutout - V  4 -  H 4  -  O 35 - B 10 - #1a1614 -- Fill interior with color not checked

Selections - Select None



Add your name or watermark, save as JPG file and your done!


 Thank you Martalip and Angelika for testing this translation!



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ASD Webdesigns ©2011 asdwebdesigns@hetnet.nl

Translated January 2011 - PSP13

ASD PSP Tutorials